Peer Teaching Society

We’re medical students, just like you! We believe in teaching and helping each other out on this exciting but seemingly daunting journey through medical school.
You can get involved as a tutor and share your knowledge and advice with junior years or you can sign up to attend revision sessions- either way, we’re all here to learn from one another!
Peer Teaching Society offers a range of events throughout the academic year to support you through your time at medical school. There will be end-of-module and anatomy wrap up sessions to help you revise and test yourself on the material and give you the opportunity to speak to students in senior years if you have any questions.
For first years, we allocate mentors for you when you start your first clinical placement, the Multi-Professional Experience (MPE), in January to ensure that you have someone at hand for guidance.
Near exam time, we will be running revision and exam-style formatives, which will ensure you’re well prepared for those first-year exams!